Parishioners ages 18-40 are invited to join our Young Adults' Group for fellowship twice a month after the 1:30 PM Mass. Please fill out the form below to join our mailing list and to stay up to date with upcoming events. Please call the office to find out about next meeting. 誠邀年齡18-40嵗的青年加入由神父們所帶領的青年組,參加每月兩次,主日下午一時半彌撒後的聚會,藉此機會認識本堂及社區內的其他青年人。活動包括聚餐、社區服務、祈禱及其他區外活動。首次活動將於五月五日下午二時半聚餐, 歡迎自帶食物與大家分享。